Lindsay Lohan So Set On Sobriety She Wants Dina Lohan Free Of Booze, Too?!

Is Dina Lohan getting a one-way ticket to rehab?! Does any rehab even want her??

Well, that’s not exactly what’s happening, Perezcious readers, but she might have to clean up her act AND her home a bit if she wants Lindsay Lohan hanging at her house, painting her nails with her.

Now that LiLo is feeling back on top of the world thanks to her rehabbing, it seems staying that way is her main priority for, well, pretty much the first time ever.

And even though Dina supposedly somehow made the list of acceptable people in LiLo’s life, her vodka-soaked boozy house apparently hasn’t made the cut. That’s right, LiLo wants to surround herself with booze-free environments including her mom’s place!

Not only has she reportedly requested her hotel rooms and dressing rooms be free of the sweet and dangerous nectar, but she’s also requested that of her mom’s home. Dina’s past actions might be a bit, um, questionable, but we sure hope she does this one little thing for her daughter.

Maybe it’ll make up for all those years she spent out clubbing with her! LOLz!

We just hope LiLo finds the support she needs to stay sober because she’s running out of second chances.

[Image via WENN.]