Lindsay Officially Off The Hook In Betty Ford Assault Investigation!

Another lucky break in the life of Lindsay Lohan!

Although we got word a few days ago that the formerly hard-pAArtying actress was still being investigated by authorities over her rehab assault on a Betty Ford staffer during her time at the facility last year, the Riverside DA announced today that they have decided NOT to prosecute her!

Spokesman John Hall said in a statement:

“We are not filing any charges in the Lindsay Lohan case due to insufficient evidence. It wasn’t looked at any differently than other cases, and we didn’t put any special priority on this. We also had to re-interview subsequent times several witnesses in the case.”


We doubt that anyone will ever know what really went down that night, but there was enough shadiness surrounding the situation for us to be glad that nothing further will come from the whole mess! That way Lindsay can focus on slithering her way out of trouble regarding the stolen necklace!

Best of luck, gurl. We want to see you put ALL of these headaches behind you!

[Image via WENN.]