NBA Star Chris Paul Will Give You Cavities With His Sweet Performance Of Candy Girl On Lip Sync Battle! Watch The Sneak Peek!

We’ll take some of that candy, please!
Chris Paul might be one of the most intense players in the NBA, but he showed off his sweet side in an upcoming episode of Lip Sync Battle.
In a preview clip, the LA Clippers star took it back to 1983 with a nostalgic performance of New Edition‘s Candy Girl.
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Paul totally nailed the choreography and got everyone in the crowd moving — including teammate DeAndre Jordan and Houston Rockets star Josh Smith, who were both laughing cheering on from the balcony!
Even the athlete’s opponent Snoop Dogg seemed to get a sugar rush from Paul’s energy, and couldn’t resist grooving to the old school track!
Ch-ch-check out the clip (below) and find out who wins when Lip Sync Battle airs Thursday at 10 p.m. EST on Spike!

[Image via Spike TV.]