Forget The Victoria's Secret Fantasy Bra! Nearly A BILLION Dollars Was Hidden In These Push-Up Bras -- In The Form Of Liquid Meth!

How is there even enough room for this??
In what Australian authorities are calling one of their biggest drug busts ever (get it? Busts? Drug… busts?!), police have discovered more than $900 MILLION dollars worth of liquid meth hidden inside push-up bras and art supplies shipped Down Under from China!
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Apparently, law enforcement officials in Sydney found the liquid meth — nearly 200 gallons of it, in total — while inspecting the goods shipped from China.
They discovered organized crime was running one hell of a scheme with silicon bra inserts covering it all up!
Michael Keenan, a Justice Minister with the Australian Federal Police, told reporters that the bust of liquid meth, or “ice,” is one of the largest illicit drug hauls in the country’s history, adding:

“This largest seizure of liquid methylamphetamine to date is the result of organized criminals targeting the lucrative Australian ice market from offshore.”

The 190 total gallons of liquid meth would have been used to make approximately 1,100 pounds of addictive and highly dangerous crystal meth, according to officials.
Four men with passports out of Hong Kong were arrested in conjunction with the raid and bust, which occurred last month but was only first reported on Monday morning.
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Now all of those men will appear in court in Sydney next month on charges of importing illegal drugs; and they each face a life sentence if convicted of a crime this big.
No word on exactly how many bra inserts it took to hide that quantity of liquid meth, but the drug in question is pictured above, and if we’re looking at 190 gallons of that… WOW.
[Image via Australian Federal Police.]