Llamas On The Loose!!

The village of Henstridge in Somerset, England seems like a nice, quiet place to live.
That is until two llamas escaped their pen and started running wild!
Tony Collins, a man who lived only about 90m away from the llama enclosure, said he spotted them suddenly walking around his lawn.
The llamas apparently chewed their way out of their enclosure!
Those must be some powerful choppers!
Collins, a photographer, said:

“It was a bit of an odd thing to see and I didn’t know of anyone who had them, so I went to fetch my camera. By the time I had got it they were in someone else’s garden, so I went outside and followed them around, and a neighbor had to chase them out of his garden. Then one of the local ladies came out with a bowl of something and led them back to their home, which I then found out was on a road nearby.”

Ha! That’s funny that all it took was a bowl of llama food.
The animals were brought back to their enclosure and reunited with their owners!
We’re glad no human or animals were injured!
[Image via Anakin/Wikimedia Commons.]