Ludacris' Epic Book Drive For Recovering School Districts In New Orleans

Yay! This is so amazing!

In an effort to help re-stock the New Orleans’ Recovery School Disctrict, Better World Books and teen non-profit joined together with rapper Ludacris to collect 250,000 books!

Even cooler is that 105,000 young people all over the country took part in the 8-weight Epic Book Drive by running book drives in their own communities to contribute to the cause.

Ludacris was proud to see so many young people pitching in to help out, saying:

├óΓé¼┼ôI’m proud to be a part of the Epic Book Drive and to see that over 100,000 young people participated. By collecting such a huge number of books for those in need, teens around the country showed they haven’t forgotten about New Orleans and the Recovery School District.├óΓé¼┬¥

Check out the video above to find out how thousands of teenagers around the country were able to help out thousands of students in the school districts in New Orleans still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.