Man Behind Zach Braff Death Hoax Apologizes

After an Internet rumor circulated that Zach Braff of Scrubs fame had committed suicide, the actor has assured the world he is alive and well with his sense of humor still intact.
The douche behind the rumor, New Jersey resident Chris Laganella, posted an apology to Braff on his personal website:

“I’m sorry if I scared everyone. Zach, sorry if you got offended by me posting a fake suicide about you on the Internet. Your 32,000 square foot house would be pretty empty without you. Thanks for (apparently) taking it lightly, since I haven’t gotten a letter about a lawsuit yet. Just so you know, I’m a huge fan; that’s the only reason I made this page, believe it or not. Also, sorry for upsetting your mother :(“

Watch Zach Braff’s message to the public above!