Man Cuts Open Dead Porcupine To Find Treasure, Finds Living Baby Porcupine Instead!

This is definitely a case of right place, right time.
Jared Buzzell, a Maine native, was apparently searching for wild mushrooms one day when he saw a porcupine get hit by a car.
He had heard that a valuable mineral used in Chinese medicine, a bezoar, could be in the porcupine’s stomach.
So he cut open the dead animal but didn’t find a bezoar inside… he found a baby porcupine!!
He cut the umbilical cord and thought the baby was dead until he massaged it and it coughed up a bunch of stuff and started breathing!
It was allliiiiiveee!
He took the baby home began hand raising it, bottle feeding it and getting it strong enough to go to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
Check out the video (below) to see the cutie newborn in action!