Prepare To Lose Your Appetite! Russian Man Arrested For Eating Human Liver

So much for eating ANYTHING for the rest of the day!

Today, police in Moscow, Russia arrested a man caught “eating an acquaintance’s liver.” Yuck.

Here’s what a police spokeswoman for Moscow’s western district had to say about it:

“When the police came to arrest the suspect, he was eating a human liver with potatoes.”

According to the spokeswoman, they found the rest of the partially eaten human liver in a refrigerator.

Here’s what the prosecutor general’s main investigative unit had to say about it in a statement:

“[The suspect] admitted his crime and that he had eaten part of his acquaintance’s liver.”

Seems so unnecessary! Instead of eating his acquaintance’s liver, why couldn’t the two of them just take a trip to Trader Joe’s together for non-human groceries?

…Okay, so we’re not 100% sure how many Trader Joe’s locations there are in Moscow, but at the very least there must have been a bodega or a market somewhere nearby! ANYTHING’s better than eating your “acquaintance’s” liver!!!

Truly disturbing.