Manny Pacquiao Apologizes To Gay Community

The past few days must have been nuts for Manny Pacquiao, because he’s already apologizing to the gay community for his sad and anti-gay comments.
The last we heard he was denying quoting Leviticus at all, but that doesn’t really change his stance much on homosexuality and gay marriage.
Here’s what he’s saying now:

“I want to clarify that I didn’t say I wanted all gays put to death. The reporter asked me a question. He said, ‘Obama is in favor of legalizing gay marriage and what’s your opinion?’ He asked me about my opinion and I told him my opinion that that I don’t agree, and I’m against same sex marriage, but I didn’t say that I’m condemning the gays because, you know, I have relatives. I have gay relatives and friends. That’s all I said to the reporter.
“To the gay community, I apologize. I’m against same sex marriage, but I’m not condemning you. My favorite verse is ‘Love one another as you love yourself. Love your neighbor.’ So, I love everybody!”

How can you even claim to love everybody and still reject the idea of equal rights? What makes a straight couple more privileged than a gay couple?
This apology seems pretty empty to us. Especially since we feel like you’re only doing it because you’re in hot water.
By the way, what’s the point of having religious freedom in this country if we let religions dictate our laws? It just doesn’t make sense. We started this country for that very reason! Believe what you want, just don’t let it interfere with the separation of church and state!
Especially when it comes to something as amazing as one human loving another so much that they want to take vows legally recognized in honor of it.
Equal rights for all!
[Image via Mary Ann Owen/WENN.]