Marilyn Monroe To Live On As The New Old Face Of Chanel No.5!

Marilyn Monroe is still as alive as ever!!

She’s already the star of Big Sexy Hair‘s ads, and starting in December she├óΓé¼Γäóll be the new face of Chanel No.5‘s prestigious fragrance campaign.

Monroe will be following in the footsteps of Brad Pitt and Nicole Kidman…or are they following in her footsteps because she was around long before them?

Technicalities aside, the fashion icon will appear in both print and TV ads for the brand, with the television spots containing the original recording of her saying one of her more infamous quotes:

“You know, they ask me questions. Just an example: ‘What do you wear to bed? A pajama top? The bottoms of the pajamas? A nightgown?’ So I said: ‘Chanel No.5’, because it’s the truth. And yet, I don’t want to say ‘nude’. But it’s the truth!”

Nudity! Fragrance! A deceased spokesmodel whose spirit thrives after half a century of resting in peace!

What more could you ask for??