Marina & The Diamonds Angers Britney Fans

Ruh-roh. You better run.
Marina & The Diamonds took to her Twitter on Wednesday and decided to give a big fat diss toward Britney.
She tweeted:

I felt so annoyed when britney shaved her head. I had planned to do it the week before to make people gossip about my fragility and feel sad for my depression and she just went and totally. stole. my thunder. i mean, everyone was like “you’re copying britneys breakdown” after that
I am NOT drunk. I have just been so absolutely amazing at hiding the crazy for 1 long arse year. I needed people to buy my records without wincing, you know? play it safe, dont be crazy, tesco wont stock you, dont put a dick on the album cover etc

WTF?? First of all, why is she bringing up the whole head shaving incident that happened a bajillion years ago? Secondly, hon, you don’t want to make Brit fans mad.
She must have realized her mistake because later she wrote:

Re britney fans. It wasn’t a diss. It was real. I’ve been thinking for 5 minutes & have decided, yes, i will take a bullet for her.

Hmm. Not sure why she felt compelled to go after Britney and bring up some really old dramz, but whatever. Guess she learned that angering Brit Brit fans is a reeeeally bad idea.
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[Image via WENN.]