Forget The 'Dislike' Button -- Facebook Just Changed The Game By Creating Animated Emojis For Our Statuses!

Animated emojis are coming to Facebook!
Or that’s what appears to be happening after the social media site’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a video (below) introducing the new buttons called, “Reactions.”
Rather than creating a “dislike” button, the tech company has decided to explore an online option that allows users to express themselves with a broader range of human emotions.
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Hmm, very inneresting.

Meet the new Reactions.
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, October 8, 2015

It seems that the emoticons will include the classic “like” but is adding “love,” “haha,” and “wow” options too. Not to mention, you’ll be able to select “angry” or “sad” faces as well.
Chris Cox, Facebook’s Product Chief, shared:

“As you can see, it’s not a ‘dislike’ button, though we hope it addresses the spirit of this request more broadly.”

Unfortunately, it appears that users in the good U.S. of A. will have to wait a few weeks while the update is given a trial run in Spain and Ireland. Bummer.
Adam Mosseri, a product director at Facebook, noted:

“We are going to continue to iterate. We hope that some of these reactions meet people’s needs in a human way.”

Well said! Though many fans may be disappointed that they still don’t have a “dislike” button, this change coincides with the billionaire’s dedication to NOT give users tools that could criticize or vote down someone’s online status.
Previously, he explained:

“What (users) really want is an ability to express empathy. If you’re expressing something sad ├óΓé¼┬ª it may not feel comfortable to ‘like’ that post, but your friends and people want to be able to express that they understand.”

Welp, Mark just solved his own problem. Bravo!
What do U think?! Will U be using these new reactions when they drop??
[Image via David R.Rico/WENN.]