Beware! Facebook Hoax Is Trying To Convince People They Could Win Some Of Mark Zuckerberg's Money!

This is literally too good to be true.
The latest hoax making its way around Facebook may just be the most unbelievable yet.
Thousands of users are currently circulating a spam message telling their friends that if they post a certain status they could win a percentage of Mark Zuckerberg‘s shares in the company!
Photo: Mark & Priscilla’s Daughter Max Already Loves Star Wars!
While Mark and his wife Priscilla Chan are investing in their daughter Max‘s future by giving away 99 percent of their shares… you won’t be getting it by random draw.
In fact, Facebook addressed the hoax themselves in a post, saying:

“Friends don’t let friends copy and paste memes. While Priscilla and Mark’s pledge to give money to improve the world is real, not everything you read on the internet is, and they’re not giving it away randomly. Be safe out there, sweepstakes seekers.”

Now you can seem superior to your peers by proving them wrong! LOLz!!!
Did U fall for the latest viral prank??
[Image via David R.Rico/WENN.]