Matt Damon Is Cry-Laughing At George Clooney Becoming A Father So Late In Life

George Clooney
is so tardy to the party it’s almost not even funny.
Except it’s hilarious to his friends! LOLz!
Related: Find Out How George & Amal Are Prepping For Twins
Matt Damon was recently on The Ellen Show talking to Ellen DeGeneres when the TV hostess made some fun of the 55-year-old’s advanced age at starting a family.
She said:

“So your friend George Clooney is gonna be a dad. You have a daughter going to college and he’s now just starting his family.”

Matt quickly jumped on the comment, replying:

“It’s really funny. He’s got this group of really wonderful friends. For 30 years they’ve been out here together and really great group of guys. And all of those guys, their kids are either in college or on their way and now George is getting started, so it’s pretty funny. I think they’re having a good time with him.”

Ha! We can imagine!
And when Ellen said that having twins was a lot at one time, Matt related:

“[George] said to me, ”Well, you have four.’ And I said, ”Yeah, but not at once.’ We did it one at a time. I don’t know how anybody does twins. Those sleepless nights├óΓé¼┬ªand there’s two of them? There’s just no way. We’ll see what happens to him.”

Well, the fact that the Clooneys are not hiring a nanny will definitely be hard on them, but we think George and Amal can handle it. And if they can’t, they can always hire help! It’s not like they’re hurting for money or anything.
Ch-ch-check out the full clip (below)!

[Image via WENN.]