Matt Damon To Star In Lance Armstrong Biopic??

Word on the mean streets of El Lay is Matt Damon is in line to star in a Lance Armstrong biopic.
Ever since the whole scandal broke, Hollywood has been looking for a way to cash in, and they may have just found it.
A fellow disgraced cyclist, Tyler Hamilton, wrote a book called The Secret Race.
The book isn’t about underground street racing but with bicycles├óΓé¼┬ª it’s all about the world of professional cycling, and all the doping that’s going on behind closed doors.
Hollywood wants to turn it into a movie.
A film insider said:

“Most sports films end in an inspirational victory. It’s hard to work out what the ending would be. Lance was a hero before this scandal. The current ending is too depressing. It would be a more appealing story with a more hopeful final act.”

Maybe they’re waiting for the real life Lance to do some big act three turnaround?
Or maybe they’ll just “Hollywood” it and make up a happy ending. Or maybe just “foreign film” it and leave it sad and depressing.
Either way, we’d love to see Matt Damon as Lance Armstrong.
Honestly, we’d love to see him as anything, in anything!
[Image via IZZY/WENN.]