Mayer's Out for Cheating?

Three strikes and John Mayer‘s out!
Contrary to earlier reports, sources close to Jennifer Aniston tell the Chicago Sun Times that she’s the one who did the dumping!
“Jen who decided to move on,” says the pal. “She is very fond of John and has thought he might be the one. She finds him funny, sexy and very talented. … Plus he understands all the aspects of living in a fishbowl. But in the final analysis, she just got tired of his roving eye.”
Maniston supposedly gave the music man a “three strikes and you’re out” ultimatum after learning about his “quickie” flings with a cocktail waitress and a promoter’s assistant for his concert tour.
But, it looks like John’s massive libido just can’t be checked!
His third strike came by way of a groupie.
That was apparently the final straw for Maniston.
Another Man friend said, “Above everything else, Jennifer is looking for stability and loyalty in a relationship. She still is hurting from losing Brad [Pitt] to Angelina [Jolie] — even after all this time.”
Celebs need short leashes for their ‘friends’.
We love it when they blab, though!
[Image via WENN.]