Meghan Markle Is 'Really Worried' About Her Estranged Family Crashing Her Royal Wedding Festivities!

Meghan Markle
is worried about her estranged family making her big day about them.
As you know, the 36-year-old distant relatives have come out of the wood works ever since the Suits actress got engaged to Prince Harry. Trying to get those 15 minutes, we would assume!
Related: Prince Harry Will Be Shredded For His Upcoming Royal Wedding!
An insider has now revealed to Us Weekly that Markle’s half-sister Samantha Grant as well as nephew Tyler Dooley (her half-brother Thomas Markle Jr.‘s son) and his mother (her ex-sister-in-law), Tracy, will be in London to be TV correspondents for the wedding. What the what.
The source said:

“Meghan is really worried about some these members of her family. She hasn’t spoken to them in years.”

Sadly it sounds like her family’s interviews in the press have kept her up at night:

“She’s lost sleep over relatives who’ve screwed her over. It’s the one thing she’s struggled with most since meeting Harry, especially after the engagement. She’s finding it really hard to trust people she meets now.”

Ugh. But it sounds like she’s trying the best she can to relax and avoid “paying attention” to any of the fam dramz.
Hang in there, bb!
[Image via John Rainford/WENN.]