Mel Gibson Won't Have To Pay Baby Momma Oksana Grigorieva After Appeals Court Rules In His Favor!

Good news for Mel Gibson!
On Thursday, it was revealed that the Braveheart actor’s former partner Oksana Grigorieva├»┬╗┬┐ lost out on $500,000 for talking too much during an interview with Howard Stern. Oof!
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In case you forgot, Miz Grigorieva├»┬╗┬┐ received a $750,000 settlement over allegations that Gibson had abused her — but had only received an initial sum of $250,000. Not to mention, the terms of the musician’s settlement dictated that she must remain tight-lipped about the alleged abuse or she would forfeit the remaining money owed her.
Unfortunately, Oksana chatted with Stern back in 2013 and discussed her troubled relationship with the controversial director. Thus, the California Court of Appeals ruled that since the Russian native reneged on her deal by dishing about Mel, the 60-year-old does NOT have to pay his outstanding balance.
To make matters worse, Gibson’s former flame was originally offered $15 million to keep audio tapes of the A-lister private, but decided to not make a deal. So long short: Oksana has lost out on QUITE a bit of money. Smh!
We can only imagine she’s kicking herself right now
[Image via WENN.]