Melania Trump Wants To Be Where The People Are In James Corden's Hilarious Little Mermaid Parody!

As time goes by, the more people theorize Melania Trump is actually being held captive by an orange-faced ogre like some sad princess in a fairy tale.
On Thursday, James Corden finally capitalized on this situation in a way he’s been dying to do for over a year: by dressing up like FLOTUS and singing a Disney princess song.
And while the First Lady’s situation is more of a Beauty and the Beast variety, the Late Late Show host proved she’s actually more like The Little Mermaid!
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In the parody, Ariel Melania sings from her White House bedroom about wanting to be where the people are — specifically, people who aren’t Donald Trump‘s secret service.
We feel for you, Mel! Ch-ch-check out the funny spoof (below)!

[Image via CBS.]