Mena Vs. Lindsay!

So this is what Mena Suvari has been up to these days.

She along with fellow actress Dania Ramirez have made a spoof video titled A-s and Ti-ties and posted it on YouTube for all the world to see. And looks like NO ONE is off limits, especially Lindsay Lohan.

The ladies mock everyone from Lindsay to Nicki to Kim K!

And that’s not all. When Lindsay caught a glimpse of the vid (that shows Mena stealing necklaces and stumbling around wearing an ankle monitor), she was none too happy. She even went so far to say that Mena and Dania are “pathetic” and are just using her to “stay relevant.”

Way harsh, Linds!

Lighten up! It’s all in good fun! Watch the video in question, above, and tell us what U think! Do U think Lindsay is overreacting??