MGMT Ostracizes Fanbase Because They Don't Want To Be Mainstream

Bad attitude, guys!!

MGMT is apparently FAR too hipster for pop music and as a response to the massive success of their first album, Oracular Spectacular, decided to poo-poo the tunes that made them relevant on their second record, Congratulations!

We think experimenting with your sound is totally acceptable if it’s for creative growth and not just because you don’t like that your fanbase is mainstream!

They also turned down the opportunity to tour with some big names just so they can be “different”!

Bandmember Andrew Van Wyngarden says:

“We’ve recently been offered support slots with a ton of big bands. Really huge, enormous, big bands – Like Lady GaGa and U2 and Coldplay and Foo Fighters. And we turned them all down. We really didn’t want to do any of that. I think on some level Congratulations is a reaction to the success of the first one. I mean, of course we were happy and felt lucky that stuff happened, but it wasn’t really what we were shooting for. I think a lot of people misinterpreted and misunderstood what we were about.”

Ben Martin Goldwasser agrees:

“Well, we really do feel like we were blown out of proportion by everybody. We don’t feel like pop stars, we feel like a rock band. We don’t want to play arenas. It’s not our mission.”

There’s nothing wrong with playing in arenas to a bunch of people who want to listen to your music.

[Image via WENN.]