Michael Douglas Says Catherine Zeta Jones Split Is Only "Temporary" And That They're "Fine!"

Trial separation schmial schmeparation! Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones are doing fine!

Or so says Michael, at least. When asked if he had a crisis at home recently, the Solitary Man was quick to quell rumors that his marriage had hit a Wall Street:

“I have a crisis at home? No, I think the press has a crisis. We are fine. My wife and I are fine. We’ve taken a temporary separation but the press, it gives you stuff to write about.”

DAY-UM, Michael, you IZ fine! But seriously, we’re glad to hear that this parting of way is only temporary and not a fatal attraction! Because if they did divorce, we fully expect a War of the Roses to go down.

In the meantime, we hope that he can get someone else to romance his stone! LOLz!

[Image via Adriana M. Barranza/WENN.]