Michael Keaton Is Interested In Doing Beetlejuice 2!

Oh man. It’s TOTALLY going to happen!
Earlier in the year, there were rumblings that Tim Burton was interested in directing a sequel to his ’80s smash, Beetlejuice, and even asked the scribe on his new flick, Dark Shadows, Seth Grahame-Smith, to start penning a script!
Well, apparently, the writer HAS – and has even gotten Beetlejuice himself, Michael Keaton, ready to reprise the role!
He explains:

“It’s a reality in the sense that I met with Michael Keaton last week. We talked for a couple of hours and talked about big picture stuff. It’s a priority for Warner Bros. It’s a priority for Tim. He’s been wanting to do it for 20 years and he’ll talk to anybody about it who will listen. I really told him, I have a huge reverence for Tim and a huge reverence for that film in general. I don’t think we should do it if we shit on the legacy. He agrees. So, right now, it remains to be seen, I have a couple of story ideas, but we’re very early out.”

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Now all they have to do is get Winona Ryder on board, and we’d be pleased as punch!
There HAS to be a creative way to incorporate everyone from the original back in somehow, right?
Oh man. Finger’s crossed for this!
What do U think?? Are U excited for a possible Beetlejuice 2??