Michael Moore Changes Direction of 9/11 Sequel

Still in the production stage of his long-awaited highly-paid-for sequel to Fahrenheit 9/11, Michael Moore has shifted the film’s direction to better reflect the world economic crisis. The film’s original announced focus was the United States’ position in international affairs.
But, as the tides of history turn, sources close to the project say the film will operate under a more general “an end-of-the-empire tone.”
This has both political and entertainment critics wondering how the film will sit with audiences of a new era of hope, since Moore’s views are usually highly critical and bitingly pessimistic.
Former Bill Clinton aide and entertainment consultant Craig Minassian said, “If Moore offers a prescription for how to improve things, he may indeed find an audience that at this moment is eager for change. But it’s going to be hard for him. What this election shows is what’s right with America, and sometimes what Michael Moore does is highlight what’s wrong with America.”
Minassian then throws another wrench into the film. “The problem with the financial crisis is that it’s changing so quickly. I’m not sure how relevant is going to be in six months, and I’m not sure if people want to hear it; my sense is they already have a pretty good idea of a lot of the people who are to blame for it.”
Our overwhelmingly Democratic election may leave Moore’s rantings – which earned $300 million in global box offices – haplessly un-hip.
For this reason, the indie studio Weinstein Co. passed on the film, leaving it to Paramount Vantage and Overture Films.
Moore himself now says that he views the film less as a sequel to Farenheit and more as a bookend to Roger & Me.
Way to cover your ass!
[Image via WENN.]