Michael Phelps Talks Weight Problems

Michael Phelps??
Weight problems??
Well… kinda… he put on 25 pounds after the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
He stopped swimming after his big victory (who wouldn’t take a break?), and just got super lazy!
Michael didn’t even notice until one of his friends pointed it out!
Here’s what he said:

“It was weird going from the highest of the high, the biggest point of your life – winning eight gold medals – and then saying, ‘All right, where do I go from here?’ I wasn’t motivated. I did nothing, literally nothing, for a long time. I gained 25 pounds… A friend of mine and I were playing football on the beach in Miami and somebody got a picture of us… (My friend said) ‘Bro, you gotta start working out, man. You are fat.'”

While we certainly wouldn’t call a 25 pounds heavier version of the body on the cover (above) fat, at least it lit a fire under him.
Now he’s training and back to where he needs to be:

“I realised that I probably hadn’t reached my full potential. There was still more in the tank… At this point in my career, everybody has caught up. I’m fine-tuning the little things that add up to make a huge difference.”

Good luck this year, Michael!
We’re rooting for you!
[Image via Details.]