Michael Vick Has Spent 95% Of His Income Since Bankruptcy!

Michael Vick has burned almost $30 million since filing for bankruptcy in 2008.
That’s like, 95% of his total income.
We’ll give you a minute to let those numbers sink in.
Confused? Let’s break it down: He owed $29.6 million. That includes $10.9 for taxes, $9.2 mil for creditors, $2.7 for lawyers and accountants, and then child support and living expenses.
Which means he only has $1.5 million left. Which is still a lot of money, but just think of all the scratch he could have if he hadn’t gotten into debt problems in the first place (or the whole dog fighting thing that put him in jail)!
He just signed a 6 year, $100 million contract in 2011, so he’ll be just fine.
[Image via WENN.]