Where Are The Dogs Rescued From Michael Vick Now?? Find Out The Amazing News HERE!

They’re the Vicktory Dogs: The pooches rescued from Michael Vick’s dog fighting ring.
The pups were saved waaay back in 2007, but it was just National Dog Fighting Awareness Day, so we got to wondering, where are they now??
Originally, some people said that the dogs were brutalized and trained to be killers, so they should be put down. That’s awful!
An abused, strong dog surrounded by violence doesn’t sound like a great house pet, but the pups were rescued nonetheless.
Now, about seven years later, 9 of the dogs taken in by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary have found loving homes!!
These dogs have made it to the happy homes of wonderful people. Some of them have cat and dog siblings, and haven’t attacked any of them.
They’re happy pups who play and bark and run and snuggle. All every living thing wants is love. One of the dogs is now the nanny to his family’s new born baby! A former fighting dog, once very skittish, is now a loving family member. That’s so incredible!
There are SO many stories of scared pups being introduced to their families and quickly becoming cuddle bugs. That’s so impossibly heartwarming we could cry.
We’re so glad the dogs are happy, healthy and in loving homes now. It just shows that even a pit bull taught to fight and kill, can be a loving member of a happy family.
If U want to read each dog’s specific journey, you can go HERE to experience just that! Aww!
[Image via WENN & Best Friends Animal Society.]