Michele Bachman Might Be Out Of A Job This Fall!

Michele Bachmann might be having the worst political year ever!
Not only didn’t she come close to securing a presidential nomination from the Republican party, but she might be losing her seat in Congress!
The proud supporter of the Tea Party movement has been reppin’ Minnesota’s 6th congressional district since 2007, but voters apparently have had enough of her bigoted antics. A recent poll shows she is just 2 points ahead of Democrat Jim Graves!
We’re sure a lot of her followers still can’t get enough of her typical rhetoric about abortions, gays and the Muslin Brotherhood, but the independent voters are dropping their support in HUGE numbers.
In the first survey since June, Graves moved from 41%-45% disadvantage with indies to a 52%-37% advantage!
Alan Ball‘s inspiration for the religious extremist storyline in this past season of True Blood is still ahead of her opponent 48%-46%, but the question is…for how much longer?
[Image via WENN.]