Michelle Rodriguez Is Playing A Hitman Who Gets Gender-Reassignment Surgery In A Controversial New Thriller!

This sounds like quite an interesting premise for a thriller.
Michelle Rodriguez may be known for her action movies like The Fast and The Furious franchise, but her newest flick may just require the best acting of her career.
It was announced on Wednesday that the Lost actress had been cast as the male lead in the upcoming thriller Tomboy.
Wait, wha??
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We don’t know many of the details yet, but apparently, Michelle will play a hitman who gets forced to undergo gender reassignment surgery from a corrupt doctor (Sigourney Weaver), and has to subsequently navigate life in her new body as a hitwoman — and obviously take bloody revenge on the people who wronged her.
There’s some clear potential for controversy with the topic, but Michelle doesn’t seem like the kind of person to attach herself to a transphobic piece, so we’re hoping the movie works as a step forward for the transgender community.
Does this sound like your kind of movie??
[Image via Michelle Rodriguez/Instagram.]