Mike Pence Once Ratted Out His Entire Fraternity To The Dean For Throwing A Kegger

Every party has a pooper — and it’s no surprise Mike Pence has been a steaming pile of lame long before he became Vice President.
According to a new profile by The Atlantic, Pence once ratted on his fraternity brothers for having a keg party on Hanover College‘s dry campus so HE wouldn’t get in any trouble.
Yup, he was that guy. Shocked in the slightest? Neither are we.
Dan Murphy, one of Pence’s former Phi Gamma Delta brothers, told the publication that the future Veep snitched to the dean that his fraternity brothers were violating the Presbyterian school’s strict no-alcohol party and got his entire house punished.
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At the time, the fraternity was having wild parties — who could blame them? Animal House had just been released — and while Pence “was not a particularly hard partier,” the then-sophomore oversaw the house’s complicated plans to sneak alcohol into the house.
Pence was also in charge of dealing with any issues if any adults showed up. But when the occasion arose, it was every aspiring President for himself.
During one party, the brothers discovered a dean was coming to the house and, a la Animal House, scrambled to hide the evidence of their activities. When good ol’ Pence greeted the dean at the door, however, he escorted the official straight to the kegs and confessed they belonged to the fraternity!
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Usually, whoever answered the door would take the blame for the party supplies so the house didn’t get in trouble. But after Pence tattle’d on his brethren, the entire fraternity was slapped with a harsh punishment. Murphy remembered:

“They really raked us over the coals. The whole house was locked down.”

Pence wasn’t in good standing with his brothers after the incident. The administration, however, LOVED him. In fact, he was so adored by school officials that Hanover offered him a job after he graduated.
Again, it’s no big news that Pence has always been a lame duck — but when’s the party pooper gonna do his job and rat out the Donald Trump administration?
[Image via WENN.]