Mike Tyson Reacts To Joe Frazier's Passing

Monday was a sad day for the entire boxing community, which lost one of its greatest fighters ever when Smokin’ Joe Frazier passed away from liver cancer.
Even Muhammad Ali, who once lost to the former heavyweight champion, felt a sting when he heard the news and shared:

“I will always remember Joe with respect and admiration. My sympathy goes out to his family and loved ones.”

Tuesday morning, another boxing great — Mike Tyson — took the time to reflect on Joe’s impact on the sport and expressed his great respect for the fighter in a series of tweets, reading:

“Today is a sad yet remarkable day as we mourn the death of boxing legend Joe Frazier & honor him by celebrating his amazing accomplishments.”
“Frazier and Ali were quintessential the apex of pedigree fighting in which each man would not give an inch until they were dead.”
“Their era was competitive fighting at the highest level. As a young fighter it has always been an honor to be compared to Frasier.”
“My family and I are sending our sincerest condolences to the Joe Frazier family.”

Very kind words, Mike! It’s nice to see that there is a very thoughtful human being underneath that tough and, sometimes, controversial exterior!
Once again, we share Mike Tyson’s sentiments and wish the Frazier family the best as they deal with the difficult circumstances.