You'll Never Understand The 'Stress' Tabloids Put On Mila Kunis' Family!

The grocery store check-out aisle is a dangerous place for Mila Kunis.
Not because of last minute snack temptations (though we’re sure those don’t help either), but because she faces the risk of seeing her face plastered on a tabloid magazine cover, teasing a false story about some divorce or pregnancy.
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It sounds like a small price for fame, but The Spy Who Dumped Me star says it’s a price that puts a lot of “stress” on her family.
That’s why the 34-year-old never reads any “news” about herself or husband Ashton Kutcher. She explained in Cosmo‘s August issue:

“I don’t read anything about myself. I genuinely don’t know what’s written about me…other than I know that I’m pregnant about once a year and my husband and I are getting a divorce once a year. I know this because I go down the grocery store aisle, and I see it on the cover of magazines and I’m like, ‘Oh boy, okay!'”

Though that type of fake news may seem harmless, Kunis recalled one instance where a false headline caused some unnecessary panic within her family when she was (for real) pregnant.
She remembered:

“The only thing that’s upsetting is my parents and my grandparents sometimes get confused…At one point when I was pregnant, [the tabloids] said that I had an emergency and was rushed to the hospital, and my face was on the cover. The amount of stress that caused my family, nobody will understand. Although my dad is always very hopeful that the pregnancies are true. He’s always like, ‘Is there really another?'”

Kunis has always maintained an importance on keeping her private life out of the spotlight for security and sanity purposes.
That also means shying away from social media — though she’s never really been in on that trend from the beginning. She joked:

“I was so late to that train. I remember at some point my roommate was like, ‘You know, there’s a thing called Facebook,’ and I was like, ‘What is this Facebook? Who’s gonna poke each other? That’s just weird.'”

Eventually, she found a reason to log on:

“And then Ashton and I reconnected and started talking. He used to be incredibly forward-thinking with social media, when the intent was to connect to people. But it took an ugly turn and became all about who can be the loudest, who can be the angriest and the most negative. Then it’s just not a fun game to play.”

For someone who isn’t on social media, she sure paints an accurate depiction of Twitter!
Keep off the radar, sis!
P.S. Ch-ch-check out her August cover for the glossy (below):

[Image via WENN.]