Miley Cyrus' Doozy Boozy Times Led To Her Picking Up A Pot-icular Habit!

To each their own, right?

Miley Cyrus certainly feels that way and her own most definitely involves a little Mary Jane!

We ALLLL know Mileybird can’t stay away from a few puffs, but it’s hard not to be a teensy bit curious about why she’s so obsessed. And if you don’t think she’s obsessed, you’ve been living under a rock buried in the dirt.

Now, she’s trying to clear the air about her pot-icular life choices after already revealing she’s convinced smoking up is a far healthier habit than hitting the bottle.

Miley opened up to Australia’s Style magazine and revealed her personal decision to smoke:

“When I smoke, I don’t get that sick feeling I get when I drink, or that anger rising up. There’s a reason Bob Marley was like some kind of Rasta Mother Teresa.”

Well, we certainly do prefer chilled out folks, but if it’s pot that is the cause then how does one explain Chris Brown??

While we may never solve that marijuana mystery, at least we can put the Miley weed issue to rest.

Now…moving onto her latest obsession with Molly…

[Image via Johnny Louis/WENN.]