Did Miley Cyrus Mistake Saturn For Jupiter With New Tattoo?! Take A Look!

Miley Cyrus
might have made a permanent boo boo.
On Tuesday, the songstress excitedly showed off her new tattoo of “lilbbJupiter”, just one of the many tats belonging to the singer. The beauty also has tattoos of a tusk, dream catcher, and an anchor. In fact, Cyrus may have well over twenty works of art at this point!
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But wait, there’s just one teensy problem with Miles new tat… Jupiter might actually be Saturn! Oopsies!
Thanks to some diligent fans, it was revealed that Jupiter doesn’t have any rings unlike the one on her arm:

“Oitvzz: lol girl thats saturn.”

Uh-oh! Tattoo mishaps are the WORST.
On the other hand, one admirer came to M.C.’s defense, claiming:

“Astroheathen: Jupiter is known to have 4 sets of rings: the halo ring, the main ring, the Amalthea gossamer ring, and the Thebe gossamer ring.”

Hmm! How interesting!
Based on the side by side (below), it would appear that Saturn (left) has a ring while Jupiter (right) does not.

But wait! Miley might still be in the right here!
According to Universe Today, Jupiter still has rings even though they might not be as visible as Saturn’s:

“The rings around Jupiter had never been seen before Voyager 1 arrived in 1979. Since then the rings have been observed by the largest telescopes on Earth, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the New Horizons spacecraft. So far, only four rings have been observed: the halo ring, the main ring, the Amalthea gossamer ring, and the Thebe gossamer ring.”

Well, there ya go! Case solved!
Congrats on your new tat, girl! Jupiter is the planet of luck, after all!
[Image via Instagram.]