Mo $$$$$, Mo Problems

While filming 106 & Park, Diddy accidently hurled a $20,000 ring into a crowd and in his attempt to get it back, alienated every person in that NYC venue.
He held 160 audience members hostage while he ordered security to frisk them, making them feel like common criminals.
“He ain’t getting’ it back,” one witness said. “Someone pocketed that, and they probably took it to the nearest jeweler.”
But, Diddy started the ca$h madness!!!
At the beginning of the show, the rapper and his new group, Dirty Money were seen tossing around wads of fake $100 bills and it was discovered that some real money was mixed in.
“The audience went wild,” said BET spokeswoman Marcy Polanco. “We were like, ‘Oh, my God!'”
It’s a recession! We’re not surprised!
“As he was throwing the money out to the audience, his ring flew off,” Polanco said.
That brings the LOLs!
Dems the breaks!
[Image via WENN.]