Ever Wonder What It Would Feel Like To Be A Halloween Costume? Monica Lewinsky Gets Real About The Awkward Situation!

Talk about an uncomfortable situation!
In a recent article, Monica Lewinsky opened up about how it feels to be a popular Halloween costume following her 1998 affair with then President Bill Clinton.
Obviously, Monica has a lot of mixed emotions on the awkward predicament but ultimately she’s accepted that Halloween costumes are social commentary. What Lewinsky doesn’t accept, however, are get-ups that are intended to be cruel like spoofs on Caitlyn Jenner.
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The 42-year-old-explained, citing an explanation from GLAAD:

“There are so many elements to consider here: the stereotype that being trans can be reduced to what someone wears or how they look; the commodification of trans identities in the face of disproportionate rates of poverty faced by trans people; and, of course, making trans women the butt of a joke, since these costumes may be worn by men whose sole intention is to imply that all transgender women are simply men in dresses.”

All good points! Good thing Cait has publicly admitted she doesn’t take offense to the parody ensembles!
As for how M.L. feels about people dressing up as herself, the author revealed:

“Thankfully, I have never gone to a Halloween party where I’ve bumped up against, well, myself,” Lewinsky writes. “I did, however, get an idea of what that might be like when, several years ago, I went to see the movie Made of Honor, starring Patrick Dempsey and Michelle Monaghan. It opens with a scene in which Dempsey, dressed as Bill Clinton, mingles at a Halloween party ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ with three Monica Lewinskys ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ all clad in blue dresses and berets, holding cigars. (Cringe Factor: 10.)”

Ha! Maybe Monica should have researched the movie before she attended — how awkward!
On a positive note, the one time London resident does have a humorous outlook on the situation, joking:

“I’m still in it for the candy. But it’s the one day of the year when people seem to refrain from asking me, ‘Are you Monica Lewinsky?’ ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ a question that is proceeded, less and less frequently, by the charming disclaimer, ‘No offense, but …’ Instead, I hear, ‘Great costume!'”

Wow, we don’t know if we’d be able to maintain an upbeat attitude when faced with that kind of public mockery! We guess Lewinsky has no other choice!
[Image via WENN.]