More Currie Crap

Adrianne Curry is speaking out again!

The reality TV star and deep thinker is responding to the comments she made about Hurricane Ike in a blog post titled “Hurricane Victims pay for their own rescues?”.

On Monday, Curry once more took to her blog, this time saying:

“People took LSD and read my Hurricane blog

It’s the only way they could have seen words I didn’t type! I have been accused of having no heart, and wanting people to die! I never once said that. My own flesh and blood, my brother, lives in Florida. He tries to ride out stroms too. Guess what? I think he is a dumbass for it, and should pay if he ever has to be rescued. This is my own BROTHER, why would I think BETTER of the folks I don’t even know!

Picture this, firefighters swarm my home and inform me if I do not leave I will die..In 3 days, I will be swallowed by an inferno of death and flames. Can you imagine me saying “You know what guys? I think I’m gonna hunker down here, I’m a California girl now…I can make it through this!”??? Would you feel super terrible for me when I dial 911 minutes later screaming to be saved? Sure you would, that makes you human…but shouldn’t I have to pay for my rescue when I was warned? Not many people try to live through the burning of their homes here, sounds stupid right? What is the difference in a hurricane? Do you know how many times my friends have left their homes, only to find out the fire died out or changed direction? That doesn’t mean they wont leave the next time! Wouldn’t you think we were a bunch of MORONS if you saw us hunkered down in our homes, doing shots, and refusing to leave out of pride?

I would NEVER want a person to die…EVER. I NEVER said it, and I am sorry for those who dropped acid and mushrooms before they read what I had to say and make believed they saw it. I even had a girl wish DEATH on me! Some people make me ashamed to be human! Today on the news, I saw islanders BEGGING for help. My heart gopes out to them…However, when the news reporter asked them why in God’s name they would stay on a SAND BAR island when told they would most certainly die, did they stay…..they said “because this is my home, I am an islander”! Are you fucking serious? These people put themselves, their children, and families in harms way! Now they are begging to be shipped out, why didn’t they leave in the first place???????????????? There is NO logic and NO reason behind these arguements. It is waisting the time of rescue workers, amnd the time of those who have to clean it up. Like we wont have to spend a lot of money cleaning up…like their expensive rescues dont add up!! These people are starving and have no water simply because they thought they would STAY on an island issued CERTAIN DEATH warnings…the FIRST the National Weather Service has EVER issued. When you play with Mother Nature, you will get burned.”

And she’s not even close to being done talking!

CLICK HERE to check out what else Adrianne had to say.

“I could lose EVERYTHING, my home, my car, my records, my paperwork, my passport, trinkets given to me by dead friends and relatives, and every dime I have…as long as In have my health and my family..I will be the richest woman on earth. I know hard work, and I am not afraid to rebuild my life quickly if I lose it all. i am from Tornado Ally. I have MANY friends who lost it all…EVERYTHING..and they got their lives back on track within 1 year of doing nothing but working hard to get there! We are talking F5 tornados, more power than Hurrican Ike had.

Please people, don’t put words in my mouth. Do not think I am heartless for questioning the stupid logic of others. I say what most people don’t have the fucking balls to say…and I am not ashamed of it. In national parks, if you fail to follow park rules and need rescued because of it, you are billed.

People say they cant get gas…they have experienced it before. Guiess what? if an earthquake hits and we have to get out of here, we have GAS CANS in our garage FULL of gas for this VERY reason! PREPARE PEOPLE! I have food and water stock piled in my kitchen to ensure I will live. We have gone through plans together on what we would do, where we would go, how we would meet up, defend ourselves…you name it, we have gone through it! If you KNOW a natural disastor can hit you…P L A N! I would rather sit through 26 hours of traffic then risk my death. I have weapons for anyone who thinks they will take me out of my car…food to last me for MORE than a few weeks…PREPARE.

Might I suggest for anyone living in a hurricane prone zone to have gas cans full of gas in their garage….food stock piled…etc. Make a PLAN with your family, run through it a few times. Think of EVERY SINGLE THING that can be thrown at you in times of crisis and PREPARE! THAT makes sense.

My heart DOES go out to all the people out of homes. I hope you all can rebuild your lives quickly. I am sure 2 years down the line you can look back and be PROUD of how you not only survived, but got your shit back together! I have faith in humanity when it comes to working hard to gain things back for themselves. Maybe the Katrina victims, after three years, have worked hard enough to afford a apartment…and can give their temp living to those who are in need from Ike? I don’t know. I would say three years of government aid is ALOT. I know the Tornado victims don’t get that much where I am from, and they suffer the same, if not worse devestation as Hurrican victims. I don’t have the answers for any of this. I am not a heartless bitch. If I stayed in my home after warnings of certain death…and then needed rescue, I would expect to foot that bill. I would expect my own MOM to do it, I expect my brother in Florida to do it….why wouldn’t I expect the same from everyone else?”