More Models Claim Terry Richardson Is A Perv

Terry Richardson is quickly becoming the Tiger Woods of the fashion industry.

After two women broke their silence of the photographer’s creepy shenanigans, more models have come forward with allegations that echo those before them.

One model recalls how Terry behaved while on set of a photo shoot:

“I was a model in the late 90s in London, and I was booked on a Terry Richardson job for Arena Homme Plus. The shoot was at an amusement park, and I would estimate that there were 30 models in total […] and we were told that all of us would be given an opportunity to shoot a cover try. Being familiar with Mr. Richardson’s…..peccadillos, many of the models were eager to please; pleasing in this instance consisted primarily of pulling down pants, pulling up skirts, losing blouses, and a bit of finger sucking thrown in for good measure.

It seemed painfully clear to me that the phantom lure of a cover try was sufficient reason for a handful of young women with waning career prospects to humiliate themselves in front of each other while Terry Richardson giggled, panted, said “That’s hot,” and pushed them further.

During lunch, I approached him and asked him if he had any moral quandaries about exploiting the sad dreams of models who hadn’t yet made it and probably never would. I asked him if he realized that they were enacting what they believed were his expectations and fantasies in order to gain his favor and hence gain a cover or a future booking. “I don’t really think about that stuff,” he told me. “I guess you’re smarter than me.”

Another 19-year-old model, now 21, says she did what she thought was an “artful nude” shoot because she needed the money:

He first asked me to play with myself, and just made really creepy demands. He said it wasn’t pornish because he was shooting still shots, and when I said that I felt like he was seeing if I was just dumb, he handed me the camera and said, “Fine you should [shoot] me playing with myself.”
I mean his assistants were like, “Do you think all these celebrities would take pictures with him if it was porn?”

Then he said to take pictures of him touching me. Eventually, he had me go down on him and took pictures of him coming on my face, which I had never done before, and when I went to the bathroom to clean up I could hear him and an assistant joking about it which is when I decided to never tell anyone.

What’s probably the most disgusting part of the whole thing is that according to one fashion insider agencies know very well what Richardson has been doing the whole time.


[Image via Getty Images.]