Mounir Says His Resignation Has Nothing To Do With Lindsay

After Mounir Moufarrige announced his resignation as CEO of Emanuel Ungaro last week, people naturally assumed that his stepping down had to do with all the Lindsay Lohan hoopla that recently dragged the brand’s name through the dirt, severely damaging its credibility.

Well, the former CEO has spoken out to say that this is not the case! He says, “It’s my decision. It’s not a total departure, except for operational duties. It has nothing to do with Lindsay Lohan at all. The strategy is set for Ungaro, and that’s it.”

Right. You can say whatever you want to the media, but it won’t change the fact that the order of events make clear that Lindsay’s involvement played a hand in Moufarrige’s downfall. What’s more, even if we did believe Moufarrige that “it has nothing to do with Lindsay Lohan at all,” that’s how he’ll be remembered, and that’s actually pretty sad and unfortunate.

We’ve gotten a good laugh at Mounir’s LaLoca mistakes, but the businessman isn’t actually dumb. He’s enjoyed considerable success at other fashion houses, including Chloe, where he ostensibly discovered Stella McCartney when he replaced Karl Lagerfeld with her as head designer for the label.

Shame that his name was tarnished by Lindsaygate.

That’s what happens when you play with fire (crotch)!

[Image via WENN.]