Mouse Found In One Of Gordon Ramsay's Restaurants

Ew! Gross!
This will make you lose your appetite.
Gordon Ramsay had a kitchen nightmare of his own when a mouse was spotted scurrying under a table at one of his high end eateries in London, the Maze Grill.
Pest control officers were called in to take care of the mouse, but the damage had already been done.
One of the diners, David Moreton said, “It was extraordinary to think a mouse was loose in one of London’s best restaurants. My wife can’t stand them and was absolutely terrified. It totally ruined her night.”
A spokesperson for Gordon Ramsay’s Holdings Ltd made a statement, saying, “We have apologized. Pest controllers have since given us a clean bill of health.”
Phew! Well, that’s good news at least. We wonder which donkey was responsible for that screw up.
[Image via WENN.]