Muslim Celebs Who Are Not Here For Trump's Immigrant Ban!

Hear, hear, Mahershala Ali!
Last week, the actor picked up two SAG Awards — one for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Moonlight, another as a part of the ensemble cast of Hidden Figures.
In his solo speech, the 42-year-old subtly blasted Donald Trump‘s immigrant ban, speaking out against the “persecution” of people for being different and telling the story of coming out as Muslim to his mother.
While Ali may be one of the only Muslim celebs who actually spoke out on the xenophobic executive order, he is far from the only celeb who practices the religion.
Zayn Malik, Shaquille O’Neal, and Janet Jackson are just a few stars who were born into or converted to Islam — find out more (below)!
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CLICK HERE to view “Celebrity Muslims!”
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