Neil Patrick Harris Slams James Woods After 'Utterly Ignorant & Classless' Tweet About A 10-Year-Old 'Gender Creative' Boy

UPDATE 7/13/2017 3:32 P.M. EST: Parents Lori and Matt Duron have now responded with shock to Woods’ comment about their son C.J. — and even more surprise to NPH’s defense!
Lori told HuffPost the good far outweighed the bad, saying:

“This incident has shown us that the village we are lucky enough to be a part of will assemble at a moment’s notice to support and protect us. We’ve had close friends and mere acquaintances reach out to us and defend us… When Neil Patrick Harris replied to Woods’ tweet, I was speechless. As a parent, when someone comes to your child’s defense, the positive emotion is overwhelming. With Neil being who he is and having the audience he does, that positive emotion was multiplied. We are so thankful for his tweet and support.”

Lori also had a particularly classy clapback herself, saying about Woods:

“The biggest rule we have in our house and the life lesson we stress most to our two children is ‘Don’t be a jerk.’ When adults are jerks it makes me wonder about the way they were parented, not how I parent. That’s a reflection of them, their background and their intentions, not mine.”

Preach, gurl!
Read their entire interview HERE!

Good on ya, Neil Patrick Harris.
Over the weekend, actor James Woods tweeted a highly-insensitive message about a 10-year-old “gender creative” boy who had just attended his first Pride parade with his supportive parents — and NPH wasn’t going to let him get away with it!
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ICYMI, the 70-year-old Ray Donovan star shared:

The 44-year-old actor called out Woods’ “utterly ignorant and classless” tweet by saying:

Snap, snap!
And in case you want to know the inspiring story behind this family’s first parade with their amazing son, you can read the mom’s recap HERE.
Love wins every time, y’all!
[Image via FayesVision/Apega/WENN.]