Wolverine Sequel NOT A Sequel?

Anybody who’s seen Requiem For A Dream, Pi, or The Fountain knows that Darren Aronofsky is ANYTHING but a conventional director.

The Black Swan director is going to continue his unconventional trend with his Wolverine film, which will be titled The Final Destination The Wolverine.

Aronofsky has stated that the film, which will once again star Hugh Jackman, will be a “one off,” and not a “sequel in the conventional sense.”

We’re not 100% sure how this film isn’t a sequel. Is it going to completely negate all the events that took place in X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Is it simply an ego thing? Are you uncomfortable having your name associated with a sequel, Darren?

If the problem here is that you’re just anti-sequel, you should get over it, Darren! You KNOW you want to tell us the continuing story of The Wrestler’s Randy “The Ram” Robinson depending on how you interpreted the end of that movie.

Do U think the new Wolverine movie REALLY won’t be a sequel?

[Image via WENN.]