NFL Star Who Inspired The Blind Side Accused Of Assaulting An Uber Driver

Sandra Bullock must be so disappointed reading this.
Michael Oher, the football star who inspired the 2009 flick The Blind Side, has been accused of assaulting an Uber driver in Nashville, TN. Uh oh.
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According to ESPN, the employee for the ride sharing company claims the NFL star and four friends started arguing with him when they accused the driver of not knowing how to get to an undisclosed restaurant. Apparently, the 30-year-old and the driver continued to bicker upon arriving at the final destination. Both men then got out of the car, which is when things took a physical turn.
It’s said the alleged incident took place back on April 14. An incident report noted:

“…the victim then put his hands towards the suspect’s face and the suspect pushed him down onto the ground.”

Huh. It sounds like both parties are at fault here.
Nonetheless, Michael seemingly got more aggressive as the incident went on, as the driver also claims “that the suspect then kicked him in the leg while he was on the ground.” Oof.
Thankfully, Oher’s friends intervened and held the footballer back. The Memphis native’s team has been notified about the situation as a spokesperson for the Carolina Panthers stated:

“We are aware an incident occurred involving Michael. We have no further comment at this time.”

We assume the team’s waiting to make a more formal comment after Oher’s May 8 court date. The American athlete is currently facing a misdemeanor assault charge.
Be sure to check back for any updates on this case!
[Image via Instagram.]