Niall Horan Finally Gets His Braces Taken Off! See His 'After' Pic HERE!

Our boy is all growns up!!
Yes, that’s right, One Direction‘s Niall Horan has popped his cherry! Well, his braces cherry that is.
He’s finally got those suckers off and now our handsome brace-face is even more spectacular with his new bright and shiny and STRAIGHT teeth! Although, we always thought his teeth gave him character and we’re never ones to say no to metal mouth!
In honor of Niall’s big day, let’s pour one out for his forever-gone braces … Oh, AND, let’s take a look at his Before and After pic! (This also, just gives us a great excuse at looking at pics of Niall!!! #NIREZ #NIREZ #NIREZ
Niall himself tweeted out these pics just moments after walking out of the orthodontist office:

Where he also reportedly got a parking ticket oops!!

But, none of that mattered, because clearly this was an emotional day for Mr. Horan. Just hours before going in, he tweeted:

We’re going to miss these too, Niall babe!

But we’ll also miss your adorable crooked teeth!

At least now you get to eat things like:
Peanut Butter


Candy Apples


Broccoli (ew, sorry)

In the end, it was totally worth it though, riiiiight???? Give a holla, Niall ladies!

[Image via Will Alexander/WENN/Twitter/Wikimedia Commons.]