Eminem And Nicki Minaj Continue To Flirt Publicly, While Hinting At Possible Future Collab?! Watch!

Even though Eminem and Nicki Minaj aren’t together (uh, we think?!), they sure aren’t afraid to publicly flirt and mess with everybody by doing it!
During a concert last night in Boston, Massachusetts, Eminem addressed the rumors of the two of them together, and asked the crowd in front of him as to whether they approved of the hip hop stars being a “power couple.”
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He also asked Nicki on a date during the concert, as you can see in the video (below) — which Nicki quickly responded to later !!!

And Nicki was quick on the uptake, responding right away with the perfect message (below):

Too funny!!
Love it!!
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But seriously… while dating may or may not ever be in the cards for these two, can we seriously talk about a collab in the studio?! Because THAT would be AH-Mazing!!!
That needs to happen!!
[Image via NBC/WENN.]