Nicki Minaj Gets Proposed To On National TV With A Ring Worth Half A Million Dollars! Watch HERE!

Is there a hip hop wedding about to happen?!?

Because Nicki Minaj just got popped the question on national TV by DJ Khaled!

No, seriously. This actually went down!

We’re pretty sure these two aren’t even DATING, so this proposal is coming out of NO WHERE!

But that didn’t stop Khaled from going on MTV this week to profess his love for Minajesty and asking for her butt hand in marriage!

And to show just how serious he is, DJ Khaled whipped out a 10 karat diamond engagement ring worth $500K!

Va va voom!!!

Khaled talked to Nicki through the camera saying:

“Nicki Minaj, I’m at MTV, I’m going to be honest with you; I love you. I like you, I want you, I want you to be mine.”

All Khaled does is win, but will he win the girl???

Nicki has yet to say yes but she did retweet DJ Khaled’s proposal video yesterday. Maybe she’s going to make him get down on one knee in front of her before she slips that ring on her finger!

You’ve GOT to check out the AH-Mazing video of Khaled asking Nicki to marry him! (below)

Should Ms. Minaj take him up on his offer???

[Images via WENN.]