Whoa! Did Nic Cage Abuse His Baby Mama???

This is the epitome of baby mama drama!
Christina Fulton, the mother of Nicolas Cages’ 19-year-old son, is accusing the actor of physical, mental and emotional abuse, as well as throwing her out of her own home. (Anyone else wanna bet that last one had less to do with her and more to do with his $$$ problems?)
Regardless, Christina has filed a $13 million lawsuit against Nic, accusing him of wasting the best years of her life raising his son. She claims that she had to put her acting career on hold while she raised their son, Weston, a repsonsibilty she also claims Nic never shared in.
Christina goes on to say that when Weston turned 18 two years ago, Nic “removed” the young man for the house, a house he had bought for this woman, and then sent an eviction notice to Christina months later.
Hmm. Strange.
What isn’t so strange is that Christina also owes more than $1 million in back taxes because of an error made by Nic’s ex-business manager, Sam Levin, whom you’ll remember also screwed Nic big time.
And then there are the abuse allegations, which Christina would no further elaborate on, except to say that she endure physical, emotional and mental harm.
The matter has yet to go to trial and according to sources, the judge in the case is pushing a mediation. Problem is, neither side is cooperating. Christina wants her money and Nic doesn’t have it to give to her, we assume.
Drama. Drama. Drama!
[Image via WENN.]