No Doubt Pushes Back Release Of Their New Album!

Aww! Tears!

Although Gwen Stefani recently had to miss her own Fashion Week show to work on her new album with No Doubt, which was expected to be released around Christmas, the band has announced that it won’t make out it by the end of the year!

According to a joint statement:

“Ideally our new record would be coming out this year but it’s just not ready yet. We don’t want to rush this album just to get it out. This collection of songs means everything to us and our only priority right now is to make sure that it’s the best album we can possibly make. There is still more work for us to do. We love our fans and are doing this for your ears and want you to know how much we appreciate your patience and support.”

Well, upon further reflection, we’d rather have an album of GREAT songs come out a little later than have a disappointing one out faster!

You guys are making the right decision! We just are so anxious to listen to new music from No Doubt!

Best of luck with the rest of the recording process!

[Image via WENN.]